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To anchor a boat to a stump form the loop by passing the nylon rope through the eyelet. The preferred method is to also run the nylon rope through the eyelet on the other end of the handle. Reach down and place the loop over the stump and cinch the wire cable loop around the stump until it is snug. Tie the nylon rope to the boat and you are anchored. If the stump is larger than the wire cable loop, additional loop can be gained by using some of the nylon rope in the loop.

When ready to remove the EZEE LOOP from the stump, untie the rope from the boat and lift the end of handle to you. (Lifting the handle up can be done because the nylon rope had been run the eyelet as mentioned above). Grasp the handle, pull eyelet away from stump to enlarge the loop and then remove the loop from the stump.

If your desire is to get closer to the stump than the length of the handle, do not run the nylon rope through the eyelet. Place the loop over the sump, pitch the handle away from the boat letting it fall in the water and tie the nylon rope to the boat. The difference is when ready to remove the EZEE LOOP, one has to bend down over the side of the boat to retrieve the handle. Then the loop is removed as before.

The EZEE LOOP has a small amount of weight added to the inside of the handle on the loop end so that the handle floats vertically, can be retrieved if dropped in the water and will hold on stumps beneath the water. Easy to reach and hold on stumps 2' beneath the water using a 3' EZEE LOOP and 3' with the 4' EZEE LOOP.
When not in use, the EZEE LOOP should be kept dry to reduce chances of corrosion. It is easily stored in one of the boat's compartments. Just form a small loop in the cable and wrap the nylon rope around the handle on the other end. Pass the end of the rope back thru the last wrap to secure it in place.

Click here for instruction on tying to pilings.

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